Tuesday 26 March 2019

How to extract and analyze the errors from the hybrid migration report using PowerShell

Found this article, whilst trying to figure out what mailbox items were causing issues with a migration from on-premises to Office 365.

How to extract and analyze the errors from the hybrid migration report using PowerShell

Command Examples:
Get-MoveRequestStatistics -IncludeReport -Diagnostic verbose | Export-CliXml .\move_report.xml

$r=Import-Clixml .\move_report.xml

$i=0;$r.report.Failures | foreach { $_ | Select-Object @{name="index";expression={$i}},failuretype,Message,timestamp;$i++} | ft 


$r.Report.Failures| select -last 2

Landis Attendant Console Install

Attempting to setup a test tenant with access to Landis Attendant Console, and was getting errors around granting access to the tenant. The ...