Friday, 30 September 2016

AudioCodes vSBC Initial Configuration

Another quick post so that I remember how to complete the AudioCodes vSBC initial configuration..

After the import of the OVF file the system will boot with a default IP address of

To run the Configuration Wizard complete the following:
Login using the default username and password:

Enter the privileged command level:

Password is default: Admin


select "Yes" to complete

Select "No" for the "Do you want to configure Web-CLI User parameters?

Select "Yes" to "Do you want to configure OAMP Network Settings?"

Enter VLAN ID:

Enter IP Address:

Enter prefix length:

Enter default gateway:

Enter primary DNS server:

Enter secondary DNS server:

Select "No" to "Do you want to configure SNMP Network Management?"

Confirm the settings just configured, via selecting "Yes"

The system will then restart.

After the reboot has completed, the system should have the IP address configured.

Wednesday, 28 September 2016

ShoreTel Contact Centre Log Monitor

The Contact Center Log Monitor tool is found in the following directory:

C:\Program Files (x86)\ShoreTel\ShoreTel Contact Center Server\Bin

The executable is called:

This is what the tool looks like with all setting enabled..

Tuesday, 27 September 2016

TMSncc Logs

This will be a living post of call codes from the TMSncc logs from ShoreTel:

C-CE: Call Creation Event - Call Initiation
L-CE: Leg Create Event - Follows a C-CE for every call setup. Internal blind transfers C-CE may be skipped.
L-IE: Leg Info Event - Follows a C-CE, L-CE. Leg Info; Provides info on other parties in the call.
C-SE: Call State Event - State of call in progress; all parties. RingBack, Offering, Established, etc.
L-SE: Leg State Event - Follows a C-SE to inform the leg state changes.
L-DE: Leg Destroy Event - Call tear down; Leg is destroyed.
C-DE: Call Destroy Event - Call destroyed by user or system.
G-MST: - Media State Event - Media state for the terminated call leg. Every RTP stream also has a media state.

Some more details:

Friday, 23 September 2016

ShoreTel vPhone/vSwitch Install

Deploy from OVA file that can be downloaded from the ST Connect Director Server.
Select Static or DHCP for IP addressing
If static,
  • Enter IP Address:
  • Enter netmask:
  • Enter gateway:
  • Enter primary DNS IP address:
  • Enter secondary DNS IP address:
  • Enter Domain name
  • Confirm Correct details

Enter server IP/FQDN (This is the connect server details)
Enter Image version, leave blank to upgrade from director server

The install will now complete..

ShoreTel Connect Contact Center PreRequists

Just a quick post to outline the required services for the ST Connect Contact Center server and DVS.

The following should install all required services for the DVS and ST CCC.

# Install required "Windows Features"
Install-WindowsFeature web-asp
Install-WindowsFeature Web-Mgmt-Tools -IncludeAllSubFeature
Install-WindowsFeature Web-Ftp-Server -IncludeAllSubFeature
Install-WindowsFeature Web-Asp-Net
Install-WindowsFeature SMTP-Server
Install-windowsFeature qWave
# Reboot will be required for the qWAVE service install
# Set start up to automatic and start qWave service
Set-Service qWave -StartupType Automatic
start-service qWave
# Set start up to automatic and start SMTP-Server
Set-Service SMTPSVC -StartupType Automatic
start-service SMTPSVC

One day I hope to have this scripted nicely rather than just a copy and paste..

Zoom Virtual Agent (ZVA) and SNOW Integration

Adding Integration between SNOW and Zoom Virtual Agent (ZVA), is a fairly straight forward configuration, first step is to ensure that an OA...