Tuesday 23 September 2014

Install-WindowsFeatures Fail Server 2012R2

So after attempting to use Pat Richards Lync install script (http://www.ehloworld.com/1697I was seeing errors on the Lync FE server that Lync prerequisites were failing during the install.

After some trail and error of individual features I was able to narrow it down to two (2) features that were failing;

  • web-asp-net
  • web-asp-ext
So off to Google to find an answer, first post was from Greig Sheridan (https://greiginsydney.com/add-windowsfeature-fails-on-server-2012/), the patch that Greig and co. had identified wasn't install on my 2012R2 server.

After a few discussions with colleges around what could be causing the issue it was found to be another windows patch that was stopping the install.

So after we removed the patch from the server, the install worked with no further issues..

Tuesday 29 July 2014

Wireshark Plugin

James Cussen (www.mylynclab.com) has been at it again, this time with a fantastic plugin for Wireshark.

Head over to James site for all the details..

Thursday 12 June 2014

RTCXDS 16 GB Transaction Log Limit Reached

I always have to go and look for the SQL query to check for the log database size, so figured that I would create a post to use as a pointer to Tom Pacyk blog on the issue.

The Query itself is;
Link to Tom's article:

Wednesday 11 June 2014

Lync Callback Reminder

Two blog post in one day, I don't think that has happened before..

Graham Cropley has written a nice little plugin that you can set "reminders" from the Lync client for a call back to a Lync contact..


Deploying SEFAutil for Lync

This is a quick guide on how to install the SEFAUtil tool onto an existing Lync 2013 Standard Edition FE Server, at one stage this wasn't supported but I'm not sure if that still the case..

Software Required:
Microsoft Unified Communications Managed API
Microsoft Lync Server 2013 Resource Kit Tools (SEFAUtil tool in in this)

Once the UCMA software is installed you will need to create Trusted Application Pool:
New-CsTrustedApplicationPool -id fe2013.myucthoughts.local -Registrar fe2013.myucthoughts.lcoal -site Site:1

Define the SEAFUtil tool as the trusted application
New-CsTrustedApplication -ApplicationID sefautil -trustedApplicationPoolFqdn fe2013.myucthoughts.local -port 7489

Enable the newly created topology

Once the Trusetd Application Pool has been created you can then install the Lync 2013 Resource Kits

Remember to change the values required from my lab FE server "fe2013.myucthoughts.local" to what your server/pool is called.

So I have was having issue with when running the sefautil command i would receive no information back from the FE server, this would found to be a typo in the new-trustedapplication cmdlet, I had typed "-applicationID seafutil" rather than the "-applicationID sefautil" that the command is actually called.

I have also seen blogs with users not having the correct permissions to be able to run the sefautil command will also receive the same output.

Thursday 10 April 2014

Lync Codecs

I had some time today to catch up on things so was checking the usual blog list that I read and came across this excellent article by Johan Delimon.

Flashback from Lync Conference : What audio codes does Lync actually use (Now a Dead Link)

It looks like this comes from the MEET400 (Meetings and Media) session from the Lync conference..  I will be checking out the video release once they are released to the public..

Friday 4 April 2014

Lync ABS Configuration Tool

I came across an issue today where some contact for an organisation were not being updated/added the the Lync address book.  

After some research we found that all users that were missing weren't SIP enabled or didn't have any telephone number assigned within Active Directory.

So I decided to play around with the ABS Configuration Tool to see if we can fix the issue.

The first thing that i noticed was the "Is this Attribute Required?" tick-box.

I wasn't able to find anything that explained how this was working as there are multiple "AD Attribute Name" with this tick-box enabled.

After some playing I "think" I figured out they acted like an "OR" statement, so as long as a user account, contact object or group has one of the values "required" Lync would reference them in the address book update.

The following TechNet article on Administering the Address Book Service has a nice description of what can be referenced in the address book.

The ABS Configuration tool can be found in the Lync 2013 Resource Kit Tools, the Lync Server 2013 Resource Kit Tools Documentation has all the details on the tools, there is a word file in the download but there are things wrong that you notice off the bat, the image from the ABS Configuration tool is actually from the Lync Stress tester.

Monday 10 February 2014

Client Version Policy - User Agent

I always have to go looking for this, so figured today I would post about it.

The client version policy can check Lync client versions and Block/Allow versions as per required. 

There are a few "Actions":

  • Allow
  • Allow with URL
  • Block
  • Block with URL
The "with URL" setting allows you to send users to a specific site to upgrade or provide additional information.

The "User Agents" are defined as follows:
  • RTC - Real Time Communication Client
  • WM - Windows Messenger
  • OC - Lync 2013, Lync 2010, Office Communicator
  • UCCP - Unified Communication Platform
  • CPE - Communicator Phone Edition
  • OCPhone - Lync Phone Edition
  • iPadLync - Lync for iPad
  • iPhoneLync - Lync for iPhone
  • WPLync - Lync for Windows Phone
  • NokiaLync - Lync for Nokia
  • AndroidLync - Lync for Android
  • McxService - Mobility Service

I found the User agent information on the following site:

Wednesday 5 February 2014

How to Enable Detailed Logging in Lync Web App

I all ways seem to forget little things like this..

Doug Deitterick is a senior premier field engineer at MS, his blog has lots of great articles, this one is simple and I think I will use lots, but as mentioned earlier I all ways forget the little things like this..

How to Enable Detailed Logging in Lync Web App

Tuesday 28 January 2014

Lync Control Panel Font

So with the release of the Lync 2013 October 2013 CU (CU3) the font of the control panel changed to be horrible, Times New Roman, as shown below.

There have been a few posts on Twitter lately with people solving the issue.

Here is the link to Lync MVP Pat Richard's site (ehloworld.com) for the fix..


Zoom Virtual Agent (ZVA) and SNOW Integration

Adding Integration between SNOW and Zoom Virtual Agent (ZVA), is a fairly straight forward configuration, first step is to ensure that an OA...