Wednesday 25 January 2023

List of Agents in Skype Work Groups

To get a list of agents in a skype work group run the following command via PowerShell:


Get-CsRgsAgentGroup | select Name, @{Name=’AgentsByUri’;Expression={[string]::join(",", ($_.AgentsByUri))}} | Export-Csv agent-export.csv


This can then be opened in Excel and manipulated to be used easier..

Open in Excel and "text to data" the AgentsByUri column, copy and then paste with "transpose" option to get in a nice format.

Migrate Poly VVX Phones from Skype/Teams to Zoom Phone

All Phones at once.. The process of migrating Poly VVX phones from Teams/Skype to Zoom Phone is a three (3) step process. Configure the IP P...