Software Required:
Microsoft Unified Communications Managed API
Microsoft Lync Server 2013 Resource Kit Tools (SEFAUtil tool in in this)
Once the UCMA software is installed you will need to create Trusted Application Pool:
New-CsTrustedApplicationPool -id fe2013.myucthoughts.local
Define the SEAFUtil tool as the trusted application
New-CsTrustedApplication -ApplicationID sefautil -trustedApplicationPoolFqdn fe2013.myucthoughts.local
Enable the newly created topology
Once the Trusetd Application Pool has been created you can then install the Lync 2013 Resource Kits
Remember to change the values required from my lab FE server "fe2013.myucthoughts.local" to what your server/pool is called.
So I have was having issue with when running the sefautil command i would receive no information back from the FE server, this would found to be a typo in the new-trustedapplication cmdlet, I had typed "-applicationID seafutil" rather than the "-applicationID sefautil" that the command is actually called.
I have also seen blogs with users not having the correct permissions to be able to run the sefautil command will also receive the same output.