Just a quick post to outline the required services for the ST Connect Contact Center server and DVS.
The following should install all required services for the DVS and ST CCC.
# Install required "Windows Features"
Install-WindowsFeature web-asp
Install-WindowsFeature Web-Mgmt-Tools -IncludeAllSubFeature
Install-WindowsFeature Web-Ftp-Server -IncludeAllSubFeature
Install-WindowsFeature Web-Asp-Net
Install-WindowsFeature SMTP-Server
Install-windowsFeature qWave
# Reboot will be required for the qWAVE service install
# Set start up to automatic and start qWave service
Set-Service qWave -StartupType Automatic
start-service qWave
# Set start up to automatic and start SMTP-Server
Set-Service SMTPSVC -StartupType Automatic
start-service SMTPSVC
One day I hope to have this scripted nicely rather than just a copy and paste..
Zoom Virtual Agent (ZVA) and SNOW Integration
Adding Integration between SNOW and Zoom Virtual Agent (ZVA), is a fairly straight forward configuration, first step is to ensure that an OA...
Using the Office 365 IP Address and URL Web service to pull the latest information. The website above has all the listed parameters that...
Page to keep updated with tools as I find them from ShoreTel systems.. ########################################### Workgroup Tool: You c...
Always loosing this command, and takes me a few tries to find it again for what I'm looking for. In the CSCP when looking at the assoc...